Family guy star wars trilogy torrent

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Simply realize that if people who don't own legal copies of the Star Wars Original Trilogy obtain the DE, it's entirely possible that the entire project will be shut down before it's finished due to piracy allegations. This Star Wars fan community is built on the honor system, so your word is sufficient. Star Wars Episodes IV, V, & VI), such as the official Blu-ray Discs or digital purchases. For Harmy’s DE project, this means YOU MUST OWN AN OFFICIAL HD RELEASE for each respective film (i.e. Remember, as with any fan edit, YOU MAY ONLY OWN THIS IF YOU ARE A LEGAL OWNER OF THE OFFICIAL SOURCE. Getting copies of the Despecialized Editions (“DE”) can be a hurdle if you don't know what you're doing, so I'm here to help. Credit for its actual creation goes to Harmy along with countless others who have dedicated their time, skills, and resources toward this restoration. First of all, allow me to emphasize that I'm simply a fellow Star Wars fan helping others discover this amazing project. Thanks for your interest in the SW Trilogy Despecialized Editions.

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You can message me on there to verify that it is indeed me, despecialized You can see from my positive reviews on eBay that I am the real deal!